Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Bike...its sad!

So i was sick on mon and tues so i went to go get some medicine the doc told me to get and when i was coming back home it started to sprinkle so i raced home and 2 miles before my house my chain bursts on my motorcycle. Then i call my bro and hes in lehi, so it starts to just POOOOOORRRRRRR rain and i got SOAKIN wet and had to push my bike to the high school to ditch it and get it later. so someone gives me a ride home :) So i get back to my bike later with the truck and its not parked the way that i parked it. I thought nothing of it. Well wednesday i am at work and get a call from the West Jordan police saying that my bike was a victim in a hit and run accident. I was like well that explains it. So it has some damage but mainly cosmetics but i am taking it in just in case. the thing i get is the way that i had it parked it was in the corner away from any other cars and the guy backed into it? i think not. He was trying to steal it and knocked it over and people saw him and he fled. Well the police let me know he has a warrant for a dui and 2 hit and runs that day. Sucks to be him!

My Room!

Its finally done...Well enough that i can move in. We invested in a new bed :) its a captains bed and has 8 drawers so i can put my stuff in them and not have to have a dresser. It sits high and is all springs so its way comfy i love it. I had the best nite sleep since i got home almost 5 months ago. My room just lacks the doors and its all done :) i am so excited. Hope you all enjoy the pics.